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245 search result(s) found
A Step Beyond is an after school dance, tutoring, and family services program for underserved youth in Escondido
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
A STE(A)M academy for girls and boys.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
Computers 2 SD Kids is a non-profit organization created with the goal of assisting qualified children and their families to obtain computers, software, training and support in order to help them become computer literate as well as increase their access to educational, occupational and financial resources and the related skills to effectively use that technology.
Advocacy/Philanthropy & Government
Thrive is a group of K-12 charter, public schools providing students with hands-on learning opportunities in San Diego.
The mission of the Elementary Institute of Science is to nurture the intellectual curiosity of San Diego’s students in STEM.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
SDSU's CRMSE is dedicated to advancing mathematics and science education through research and professional development.
Colleges, Universities, and Certificate/Credential Programs
Blink is a UX research and design firm that works with great companies to create digital products, brands, and experiences.
Business & Industry
Bringing people together to discover, create and celebrate the Arts.
Museums, Science Centers & Zoos
Sylvan Learning is on a mission to engage kids in fun STEM programs today, so they become our leaders of tomorrow.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
CARTA is a virtual organization formed in order to promote transdisciplinary research into human origins.
Colleges, Universities, and Certificate/Credential Programs