Proudly collaborating with these organizations

245 search result(s) found
Open Source Skateboards inspires curiosity and empowers creatives through skateboard design, building, and activity.
Business & Industry
Robolink encourages students to engage with STEM through our robot kits that are cute, fun, and packed with real tech.
Business & Industry
Tijuana River NERR is a partnership between California State Parks and NOAA to protect and educate about estuaries.
Museums, Science Centers & Zoos
(AWIS) Association for Women in Science is a gender inclusive non-profit STEM organization advancing equity in STEM.
Professional, Trade & Student Associations
Aquillius is a biotech/bioengineering company that provides entrepreneurs the resources to translate ideas into reality.
Business & Industry
DETOUR focuses on mentoring & increasing the amount of girls of color interested, studying and working STEAM career fields.
CBOs, Family/Parent Organizations, Youth Organizing & Advisory Groups
Fit Kids America strives to bring young kids different experiences in sports and other enrichment opportunities.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
RISE is a 501c3 non-profit based in and serving SD students and institutions and the San Diego FTC program!
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
We are the leader in RNA-targeted therapeutics. We focus on patients and effect change through community engagement.
Business & Industry
Citizen Schools partners with middle schools teachers to provide hands-on experiential learning with career mentors.
CBOs, Family/Parent Organizations, Youth Organizing & Advisory Groups