
Role Model Spotlight: Marina Ahn

Marina and goat


Marina Ahn

Research Scientist at InhibRx 

Marina is a research scientist at InhibRx. She grew up watching her grandparents work as pharmacists and immediately knew that she also wanted to dedicate herself to helping people.

During high school and college she volunteered at local hospitals, this helped solidify her decision to work in healthcare. She holds both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biochemistry from UC San Diego. In her current role as a research scientist, she and her team are working to create a medicine to cure cancer. 

Outside of her job, she’s also a black belt in taekwondo and recently took up kickboxing. Her other main hobby is doing art, which she believes isn’t exclusive from STEM due to its creative nature. 

Some advice she has for students in their pursuit of STEM education and careers: stay curious, be your own cheerleader and try to write a list of three things you are grateful for each day. She believes that this philosophy is what helped her to get through even the toughest days at school and work.


Listen to Marina’s interview with Patricia Fernandez at The Energy Coalition.


Are you looking for a STEM role model, or want to be one? 

FabFems is an international database of women in STEM professions who are inspiring role models for young women. It was created by the National Girls Collaborative Project

They aim to make role models more accessible to young women, girl-serving STEM programs, and other organizations that are working to increase career awareness and interest in STEM. 

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