EYH Cafe: Start Your STEM Engines!
We have an exciting hands-on workshop opportunity for young women in grades 9-12 to participate as part of our EYH Cafe program! We first learn a bit about the engineering related to engines and then get to spend some time racing through an indoor track with these customized cars. You will learn the mechanics and techniques of radio-controlled cars, all while learning how to drive like a pro. This free workshop is designed for young women in grades 9-12 who are interested in taking advantage of the President’s Day holiday to come and have some fun! Lunch is provided at no cost and you will get the opportunity to socialize with your peers.
This is a one time workshop event, though we do have other workshops available on various topics!

EYH Cafe: Start Your STEM Engines!
Other learning opportunities from this partner
Build Your Own Fire Evacuation Map Using GIS
Expanding Your Horizons of San Diego
Obtain some computer-based, hands-on experience with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by creating a fire evaluation map!
This is a one time workshop for girls in grades 9-12 that will occur at Cal-State San Marcos's GIS computer lab from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Sat. April 6th, 2019. Snacks provided after workshop!
EYH 2022 - Virtual Conference
Expanding Your Horizons of San Diego
This conference provides girls in grades 6-10 with an opportunity with hands-on virtual learning from STEM professionals!
This is an annual conference event
EYH 2023 In-Person Conference
Expanding Your Horizons of San Diego
The EYH Conference is a hands-on STEM career event for 6-10th grade girls on Saturday, March 18th, 2023 from 9:15 - 3:00 p.m.
This single data event will be held on Saturday, March 18th, 2023 from 9:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the University of San Diego campus.
Morning, Afternoon
EYH 2024 STEM Conference for 6-10 Grade Girls
Expanding Your Horizons of San Diego
The EYH Conference is an all day, catered event providing hands-on STEM Workshop opportunities to young women in grades 6-12.
This is an annual opportunity that occurs in March each year.
All Day