Proudly collaborating with these organizations

245 search result(s) found
The Elementary Institute of Science has provided authentic hands-on STEM learning opportunities for more than five decades.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
The High Tech High Graduate School of Education (GSE) develops teachers, educational leaders and school founders.
Colleges, Universities, and Certificate/Credential Programs
A non-profit educational and service organization advancing the image of engineering and technology for women.
Professional, Trade & Student Associations
Our group of undergraduate students is ready to partner with local school groups on projects that build enthusiasm for STEM!
Colleges, Universities, and Certificate/Credential Programs
Clicbitz Technology and Textile Arts Education
Sparking creativity with 3D modeling, 3D printers, graphic design, programming, sewing, fashion design and more!
Curriculum Provider
SDFF's mission is to improve lives in San Diego County by making information technology available.
Advocacy/Philanthropy & Government
The mission of JFG is to develop a traditional Japanese garden educate, engage, and inspire about Japanese culture.
Museums, Science Centers & Zoos
The EnCorps STEM Teachers Program empowers STEM professionals to transform public education by teaching in high needs schools
Professional, Trade & Student Associations
Formed in 2014, ILC is a consortium of individuals and organizations who partner in innovative ways to bring high-quality learning opportunities to agencies and their partners.
CBOs, Family/Parent Organizations, Youth Organizing & Advisory Groups
We are passionate about building educational community through literacy and innovation in San Diego County!
Business & Industry