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245 search result(s) found
We are the leader in RNA-targeted therapeutics. We focus on patients and effect change through community engagement.
Business & Industry
Computers 2 SD Kids is a non-profit organization created with the goal of assisting qualified children and their families to obtain computers, software, training and support in order to help them become computer literate as well as increase their access to educational, occupational and financial resources and the related skills to effectively use that technology.
Advocacy/Philanthropy & Government
Ocean Discovery Institute uses ocean science to empower young people from underserved urban communities to transform their lives, their community, and our world as scientific and conservation leaders.
Museums, Science Centers & Zoos
We empower students to pursue their passions through education.
Business & Industry
We serve the North County communities with accelerated, hands-on programs designed to provide employable skills & training.
Colleges, Universities, and Certificate/Credential Programs
The San Dieguito River Park is the agency responsible for creating a natural open space park in the San Dieguito River Valley
Advocacy/Philanthropy & Government
Mechanical Advantage is a FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics team. We use robotics as a platform to teach others STEM concepts.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
The EnCorps STEM Teachers Program empowers STEM professionals to transform public education by teaching in high needs schools
Professional, Trade & Student Associations
A non-profit educational and service organization advancing the image of engineering and technology for women.
Professional, Trade & Student Associations
Empowering kids to learn, create, and develop the next great app, website, or computer code through collaboration & teamwork.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time