Proudly collaborating with these organizations

245 search result(s) found
San Diego Coastkeeper protects and restores fishable, swimmable and drinkable waters in San Diego County.
Advocacy/Philanthropy & Government
The Escondido Creek Conservancy is dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Escondido Creek watershed.
Advocacy/Philanthropy & Government
San Diego Public Library is the place for opportunity, discovery, and inspiration.
Our program is all about learning by doing. Children get to build robots using our specially designed kits. Creating the best environment for logical thinking, problem solving, developing observation skills and working with spatial awareness.
Business & Industry
DETOUR focuses on mentoring & increasing the amount of girls of color interested, studying and working STEAM career fields.
CBOs, Family/Parent Organizations, Youth Organizing & Advisory Groups
Programs for k-12 and the community from a world renowned biological research institution.
Colleges, Universities, and Certificate/Credential Programs
USD TRIO Upward Bound is a college access program for first-gen, low-income and underrepresented high school students.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
We have designed two science shows geared towards middle and high schoolers aimed to spark their interest in STEM subjects.
CBOs, Family/Parent Organizations, Youth Organizing & Advisory Groups
The mission of The STEAM Collaborative is to exponentially increase equity in STEAM Education.
CBOs, Family/Parent Organizations, Youth Organizing & Advisory Groups
FIRST is the world’s leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education, preparing a new generation of young people for the future through engaging, hands-on robotics programs.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time